Ok- blame Twilight!!

I have this cool blog, and I don't get to write too much! So- Survived the great Christmas 2008. Guess that's a plus. Got to put on some pictures of my knitting. I have (bowing down to the great knitters on Ravelrys Twilight Saga Fans) made 2 pairs of Bella mittens. Been reading like a fiend, such an addiction. I wish I could read AND knit, but I'm not that fond of audio books. Sometimes the people that read them freak me out.
So, about Twilight- my cousin gave me the book in August, I read it twice, then got the rest of the series. I have yet to see the movie (I know- boooo) but I have pre-ordered the DVD!! I have 2 bookmarks and the key chains, so I am not too much of a goof, but it's all in fun! I have joined a couple of online groups, Twilighters Anoymous is my personal favorite. And, as you can see- I like the naughty Vampires!!
So that has gotten me reading anything with a Vampire love story. I even read Dracula, Bram Stokers- naturally. It's been neat. A lot of authors I wouldn't normally have found! Then the websites devoted to them- WOW!!
So- I hope to blog more, combine my love for knitting and reading!!