Autumn Knitter

knitting & reading- what more can I say???

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Location: Upstate, NY, United States

I knit and I read, isn't that enough!!

Friday, May 23, 2008


This is Baby- I have had her since Fall 2003- she was feral- we caught her, she was about 12 weeks old- she was going to be adopted, but my Dad said he didn't want her to go through being scared again- she is still shy around people, but she loves our new addition - Tasha- so here she is with Tasha.

Easter kittens

These are the 4 kittens we got the day after Easter- The other 3 are the kittens we got 2 weeks after these, I posted about these, but never put up the pictures!! Hope thats not too confusing!!

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Kitties- again!

It doesn't seem like it has been a month since my last blog. The kittens are now all in stages of being adopted- only 2 of them, though- We adopted the third!! She is a Siamese-mix with wonderful blue eyes- her name is Tasha, and Baby thinks that keeping her is the greatest thing- Now Lily- well- I think if someone came along and took Tasha- she would be ok with that-LOL.
I just wanted to get some pictures up- so here they are!!