Autumn Knitter

knitting & reading- what more can I say???

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Location: Upstate, NY, United States

I knit and I read, isn't that enough!!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Really Cute Dog I am fostering

This is Hanna, she is an Australian Shepherd mix, she came from an Ohio hoarder- because of her age (she is now 5 months- this happened last fall- so she was a puppy) She and another sister and a brother were able to be rehabilitated. She was sad when she got here, she had no social skills- no leash training- no potty training(she could use the paper) I was blessed with her on 1/27/2008.
Well, now she goes potty outside, is getting better on her leash, but doesn't trust anybody else much. I am working with her to not be so skittish around my folks. She didn't even know how to play!! Here is her picture, and I will keep you updated!!!


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